Reduce your construction costs by building ribbed slabs more efficiently. With the combination of Atex products (moulds, shoring system, spacers, etc.), you can increase the productivity of the process, improve the structure and make your project even more sustainable.
Check out all the benefits of this construction system.
Reduces the use of concrete and steel in the work by up to 40% and decreases by up to 90% the use of wood in the slab area.
Uses 100% recyclable materials in the manufacture of reusable moulds. Each mould can be reused up to 150 times.
Atex solutions offer organized processes, easy to assemble and you can also count on the support of a highly qualified technical team. That is, it does not need specialized labor and increases the productivity of the construction process.
There are more than 120 mould geometries for slabs and solutions that only Atex customers have.
The slabs made with Atex moulds perform much better in fire situations based on the NBR 15200 standard
In addition to the modern touch of its design, the slabs made with Atex moulds have excellent levels of sound isolation, with noise passing below the minimum level defined by the NBR 15575 standard
Added to the Atex 800 formwork, Tubex eliminates concrete without a structural function. Its implementation is made to generate horizontal holes for the passage of ducts, tubes and gutters. Thus, this product guarantees the construction of a lightweight ribbed slab that generates more savings in the project.
Understand what is the best solution for your project.
The assembly of the Atex moulds for the construction of the ribbed slabs is simple, practical and agile. In addition, it does not require specialized labor.
Check the assembly instructions.
Fôrma perfeita para garantir um teto uniforme, simples e que combina com todos os ambientes.
O concreto é moldado em uma textura semelhante à madeira.
O concreto é moldado com desenhos circulares que possuem uma textura especial e um relevo para enfatizar o desenho.
Desenhos de retângulos sobrepostos proporcionais à sequência de Fibonacci marcam o concreto. Como o desenho não é simétrico, a montagem das fôrmas Planex Fibonacci faz com que cada laje possua um design único.
Find the best solution for your project.
Do you have any questions about Atex products?
Get in touch and speak to our experts..
Mateo Bravo Guerrero
+57 3164422448