With the combination of Atex products, you guarantee more agility and economy in the execution of the pillars of your work.
We have moulds to shape rectangular and circular pillars, serving different types of structure.
Check out all the benefits of this construction system.
As they are simple and practical to assemble, our solutions for pillars dispense specialized labor and reduce the need for carpenters. In addition, there is a decrease in the number of inputs, such as nails.
The moulds are light, which facilitates their handling and assembly. With the aid of plastic locks, it is simple to fit together.
Made of thermoplastic resin, Atex moulds for pillars are more resistant to impacts and external variations, such as rain and humidity. Therefore, they can be stored outdoors, without special
Atex moulds for pillars can be reused more than 100 times. They are 100% recyclable. It is also worth mentioning that the use of these moulds can help to score for the project’s LEED ® certification.
The assembly of the Atex moulds is simple, practical and agile.
In addition, it does not require specialized labor.
Check the assembly instructions.
Fôrma perfeita para garantir um teto uniforme, simples e que combina com todos os ambientes.
O concreto é moldado em uma textura semelhante à madeira.
O concreto é moldado com desenhos circulares que possuem uma textura especial e um relevo para enfatizar o desenho.
Desenhos de retângulos sobrepostos proporcionais à sequência de Fibonacci marcam o concreto. Como o desenho não é simétrico, a montagem das fôrmas Planex Fibonacci faz com que cada laje possua um design único.
Find the best solution for your project.
Do you have any questions about Atex products?
Get in touch and speak to our experts..
Mateo Bravo Guerrero
+57 3164422448