Simple to install and remove, our modular structures for design and landscaping can be explored in numerous ways, providing a different look to the environment.
They are recommended for floors, facades, coverings and partitions and their application can guarantee points for the LEED certification of the project.
Check out other benefits of this solution.
Atex solutions for decoration and design are able to transform environments and building facades with little effort. Create unique and sophisticated projects with Grim Grid and Mycena
The pieces have simple fitting that guarantees high productivity for coating ceilings, walls, floors and facades. In addition, they do not require specialized labor.
All Atex products are 100% recyclable. Grim Grid and Mycena are manufactured from the reuse of construction waste. Using cutting-edge technology in this process, we guarantee resins of high strength and durability
Atex solutions are versatile, simple to install or remove. The pieces make up a modular structure with countless possibilities. They can be applied as a floor, facade, interior design and landscaping.
The assembly of Atex products is simple, practical and agile. In addition, it does not require specialized labor.
Check the assembly instructions.
Fôrma perfeita para garantir um teto uniforme, simples e que combina com todos os ambientes.
O concreto é moldado em uma textura semelhante à madeira.
O concreto é moldado com desenhos circulares que possuem uma textura especial e um relevo para enfatizar o desenho.
Desenhos de retângulos sobrepostos proporcionais à sequência de Fibonacci marcam o concreto. Como o desenho não é simétrico, a montagem das fôrmas Planex Fibonacci faz com que cada laje possua um design único.
Find the best solution for your project.
Do you have any questions about Atex products?
Get in touch and speak to our experts..
Mateo Bravo Guerrero
+57 3164422448