Ensure more agility, economy and reduction of inputs, using the combination of Atex products to build concrete walls. With them, you will also have a personalized design in the finish, without the need for plastering or repairs.
Check out all the benefits of this construction system.
The simple assembly of the moulds can result in a construction cycle of up to one day. It is a great time saver compared to other construction systems that have cycles of 7 to 10 days.
The panels can be moved from one floor to the next through openings in the slab, without the need for cranes.
Easy to assemble
Because it is simple to assemble, this product does not require the hiring of specialized labor or carpenters.
The moulds are manufactured with 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. So they can be reused hundreds of times.
It does not require the removal of props and heads of props when dismantling the slab panels.
Quality finish
As the panels are precisely sized, they generate smoother finishes. Thus, there is no need for plastering and repair after concreting.
The assembly of Atex moulds for the execution of concrete walls is simple, practical and agile.
In addition, it does not require specialized labor.
Check the assembly instructions.
Fôrma perfeita para garantir um teto uniforme, simples e que combina com todos os ambientes.
O concreto é moldado em uma textura semelhante à madeira.
O concreto é moldado com desenhos circulares que possuem uma textura especial e um relevo para enfatizar o desenho.
Desenhos de retângulos sobrepostos proporcionais à sequência de Fibonacci marcam o concreto. Como o desenho não é simétrico, a montagem das fôrmas Planex Fibonacci faz com que cada laje possua um design único.
Find the best solution for your project.
Do you have any questions about Atex products?
Get in touch and speak to our experts..
Mateo Bravo Guerrero
+57 3164422448